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Known Issule Version

The following have been identified as areas in which BiblioFile does not perform as intended. All issues are scheduled to be addressed in future releases unless otherwise indicated.

Login errors

BiblioFile protects your data with an authentication mechanism that includes a database username and password. However, this password has been found to expire on some systems, making it impossible to use BiblioFile after several weeks of successful use.  The fix is easy, but cannot be retroactively deployed. If you encounter a "Manual login failed" message, click here for the fix.

Authority Verification

  • If the first part (one or more subfields) of a bibliographic 110, 610, 710, or 810 matches the main heading or a SEE reference in an existing authority record, the Authority Verification Output pane lists each heading twice. This redundancy is confusing but harmless. If you right-click on one of the suggested headings and choose the 'Use Suggestion' option, the duplication goes away. This will be corrected in a future release.
  • If a 440 series entry matches to an author/title combination record (authority main heading tag = 100, 110, or 111), and the user elects to use the suggested replacement (SEE) heading, Authority Verification will insert the corrected main heading as a 400, 410, or 411 field. The proper field assignment is 800, 810, or 811. The proper field numbers will be used in a future release.

NOTE: Common cataloging practice also includes the retention of the original 440 series heading by inserting it as a 490 untraced series entry.


The Find feature (Control-F) has not yet been enabled. When enabled, it will not only work in the MARC editor, but also in macros.

Transliterate Field

BiblioFile includes a menu reference to a transliterate function that was disabled because it was not ready for deployment. The feature, when enabled, will construct transliterated Latin text from certain vernacular scripts based on a table lookup. The transliterated text will be inserted in the appropriate field with a two-way link to an 880 (Alternate Character Representation) field.


Leader editing

Direct editing of the Leader (by disabling the Use Field Editors option) is not presently supported in BiblioFile. The Leader Editor dialog must be invoked for this purpose. This means that the leader cannot be edited via a macro. This behavior was motivated by a concern for safety (changing the Leader could change the record type to an unsupported type). Direct leader editing will be restored after appropriate safeguards are in place in a future release.

SAVE command

The SAVE command in macros is not implemented. This feature will be added in a future release.

Local Call Number Searching

The search dialog lists Local Call Number as one of the search types. When invoked against the Local Database, a message appears indicating that this feature has not been implemented yet. It is scheduled to be included in a future release.

006 editor

If the 006/00 byte is set to e or f, and zz is selected in the 006/05-06 dropdown, BiblioFile inserts dz in this position in error. This will be corrected in a future version.

Large fields

Fields in Local Database records that are part of an index (i.e., searchable) can contain a maximum of 2,713 indexed characters (in subfields that are part of the index), excluding subfield letters and delimiters. This is not an intentional limit, and will be corrected to permit entry up to the MARC limit (9,999 characters per field). However, only the first 2,000 characters will be indexed.

For now, entry of excess characters produces an error message that blocks the save. The workaround is to split the field's contents into multiple fields, if allowed under MARC rules. Fields that are not indexed are not subject to this limit.

Backup and restore

  • How to back up

It may be tempting to use an existing backup utility that copies the entire contents of a drive or specific folders. However, this method will not produce a reliable backup. BiblioFile's backup safely shuts down the underlying PostgreSQL database to assure a proper backup. Other backup methods may not produce a backup that can be restored.

  • Not included in BiblioFile Backup

BiblioFile Backup is a database backup utility. It does not back up settings you establish in the Options menu or  Components menu, not does it back up MARC records that are not stored in the Local Database. Due to nature of database backup, this behavior cannot be changed. To back up your settings files, select Export Settings in the BiblioFile Options menu.

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