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Welcome to ITSMARC by TLC, a leader in metadata since 1974

What is ITSMARC?

ITSMARC is TLC's online copy cataloging resource of nearly 85 million records. It delivers two kinds of MARC records: bibliographic and authority. Generally, however, most people think of ITSMARC as a source of bibliographic data. TLC therefore refers to the authority component as TLC Authorities.

Getting ITSMARC Data

ITSMARC contains data only, no software. To get to the data, you need a web browser or a Z39.50 client. For Z39.50, you could use a cataloging program like BiblioFile, Library•Solution Cataloging, ITS for Windows, or those included with some ILS systems (SirsiDynix, III, etc.), or you can use a third party Z39.50 client like BookWhere or YAZ. To view more than summary information, you also need a user name and password. If not a current user please sign up for an ITSMARC Trial below:

MARC authority records can only be downloaded via Z39.50.

ITSMARC is supported by three servers in Inwood and one in Singapore.

Downloading via Z39.50: When your library orders ITSMARC or sets up trial account, you are automatically entitled to TLC's BiblioFile cataloging software package. If you have LibrarySolution, you already have a Z39.50-aware utility: Library•Solution Cataloging. BiblioFile supersedes TLC's earlier cataloging products ITS for Windows and the old DOS-based BiblioFile Cataloging. You can register for BiblioFile or order BiblioFile on CD.

Downloading via the web: Downloading via the web is typically a two-step process: download records, then upload to your local system. For most users, Z39.50 is more convenient because it allows you to search your local database before searching ITSMARC or OCLC or other public sources. When used with a cataloging program like BiblioFile, Z39.50 also allows you to perform a "cascaded" search according to your own hierarchy of trusted sources and then edit the records in one application.

Searching via the web does have a few advantages over most cataloging programs except BiblioFile*:

  • Boolean (combination) search option
  • Begins-with searching for text terms (title, author, subject)
  • The ability to search notes
  • The display and availability of jacket art and other content

* BiblioFile supports Boolean, begins-with, notes, and numerous additional search types for both bibliographic and authority records. It also displays jacket art, although not TOCs, reviews, or the other forms of content viewable on the web.

When ITSMARC was launched in 1997, all searches were performed on the web. Now, about 85% are done by Z39.50. TLC expects the trend to migrate back to web searching in the next several years as web services, APIs, and mashups become more popular and more widely used.

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