547 Former Title Complexity Note (R) (Variable Data Field)
Field 547 contains a note that expresses a complex relationship between titles proper whenever an intelligible note cannot be system generated from the data in field 247 (Former Title). Field 547 is used on latest entry and integrated entry catalog records (Continuing resources 008/34 field, codes 1 and 2, respectively); it is not used in successive entry cataloging. Former titles proper may also be recorded in field 247 (Former Title).
The National level record requirement for this field is Mandatory if applicable.
Field 547 is repeatable.
Guidelines for applying content designators:
For indicator and subfield code definitions and examples, National-level (NLR) and Minimal-level (MLR) record requirements, and designator repeatability, see table below:
Position |
Description |
Repeatability |
Field 547 |
Former Title Complexity Note |
A |
O |
R |
Indicator: |
First |
Undefined; contains a blank |
M |
Second |
Undefined; contains a blank |
M |
Subfield code: |
$a |
M |
O |
NR |
$6 |
A |
O |
NR |
$8 |
O |
O |
R |
Subfield $z - Source of note information (SE) [obsolete]: Subfield $z was made obsolete in 1990. Source information is included as part of the former title complexity note in subfield $a.
Related MARC fields or documents:
008/34 Continuing resources: Entry convention
880 Alternate Graphic Representation
See also: