247 Former Title (R) (Variable Data Field)
Field 247 contains a former title proper. This field is used when one cataloging record represents several titles associated with an entity. For instance, under some cataloging rules (e.g., ALA rules) a serial is cataloged under the latest title, with former titles noted in the same record in a Title varies: note. Likewise, under some cataloging rules (e.g., AACR2) an integrating resource is cataloged under the latest title, with the former titles noted in the same record.
Former titles proper may also be recorded in field 547 (Former Title Complexity Note).
Under other cataloging rules (e.g., AACR2), separate bibliographic records are created when a significant change in a serial title has occurred. When separate records are made for change of title, the linking entry fields 780 and 785 may be used to show the preceding and succeeding entries.
The National level record requirement for this field is Mandatory if applicable.
Field 247 is repeatable.
Guidelines for applying content designators:
For indicator and subfield code definitions and examples, National-level (NLR) and Minimal-level (MLR) record requirements, and designator repeatability, see table below:
Position |
Description |
Repeatability |
Field 247 |
Former Title |
A |
O |
R |
Indicator: |
First |
M |
0 |
A |
1 |
A |
Second |
M |
0 |
A |
1 |
A |
Subfield code: |
$a |
M |
O |
NR |
$b |
A |
O |
NR |
$f |
A |
O |
NR |
$g |
A |
O |
R |
$h |
O |
O |
NR |
$n |
A |
O |
R |
$p |
A |
O |
R |
$x |
A |
O |
NR |
$6 |
A |
O |
NR |
$8 |
O |
O |
R |
Subfield $a
- Title proper/short title
[renamed, 2002]
Subfield $c
- Remainder of Title Page
transcription [obsolete] [CAN/MARC
Subfields $d
- Designation of section/part/series
(SE) [obsolete, 1979]
$e - Name of section/part/series (SE) [obsolete, 1979]
Prior to the redefinition in 1979 of subfields $n and $p for numbered and named parts/sections of a work in other fields, these data were contained in subfields $d and $e in field 247. Subfields $d and $e were made obsolete in 1979.
$g - Miscellaneous
information [changed,
2014]: In 2014, subfield $g
was made repeatable.
Subfield $h
- Medium [redefined]:
Prior to the definition of $g
(Miscellaneous information) in 1979, subfield $h
was defined for miscellaneous information.
In 2002, field 247
was renamed from "Former title or title variation" to differentiate
it from field 246 (Varying Form of Title).
Related MARC fields or documents:
547 Former Title Complexity Note
See also: