G 220 Corporate Bodies (General)
BACKGROUND: A corporate body is an organization or group of persons that is identified by a particular name, and that acts, or may act, as an entity. Typical examples of corporate bodies are associations, government agencies, religious bodies, local churches, and conferences. This instruction provides guidelines for shelflisting issued by or written about corporate bodies. The provisions of this instruction are not applied to items classed in Class K. For instructions on the treatment of conferences, see G 230. For instructions on the treatment of societies, see G 240.
1. Corporate body as main entry
a. General rule. For materials entered under a corporate body heading, Cutter for the name of the corporate body. Add the imprint date to the call number to make each call number unique. For serials, see section 9.
HT169 |
.F7C44 |
Centre de recherche d'urbanisme. |
1973 |
Conception et instruments de la ... 1973. |
HT169 |
.F7C44 |
Centre de recherche d'urbanisme. |
1975 |
Conception et instruments de la ... 1975. |
HT169 |
.F7C44 |
Centre de recherche d'urbanisme. |
1979 |
Espaces verts et qualite de ... 1979. |
b. Translations, selections, etc. Assign the same Cutter number to all publications with the same corporate body heading, including translations, selections, editions, etc.
HD7198 |
.N65 |
Nordiske socialstatistikkomité. |
1975 |
Social tryghed i de nordiske ... 1975. |
HD7198 |
.N65 |
Nordiske socialstatistikkomité. |
1976 |
[Social tryghed i de nordiske lande. English] |
Social security in the Nordic ... 1976 |
2. More than one publication in a given year
a. Use of work letters. If a corporate body issues more than one publication in a given year, add a work letter to the date of publication starting with a and continuing through the alphabet in the order of receipt.
HD4293 |
.I515 |
India (Republic). Parliament. House of the People. |
1979 |
Committee on Public Undertakings. |
Action taken by Government on ... 1979. |
HD4293 |
.I515 |
India (Republic). Parliament. House of the People. |
1979a |
Committee on Public Undertakings. |
Report on prequisites enjoyed by ... 1979. |
HD4293 |
.I515 |
India (Republic). Parliament. House of the People. |
1979b |
Committee on Public Undertakings. |
Report on public undertakings, delays ... 1979.. |
b. Exact date of publication not known. When the exact date of publication is not known, supply the date using zeroes in place of dashes, e.g., 197- becomes 1970, 19-- becomes 1900, etc. Do not add the letter z to the date when the exact date of publication is not known.
HB2508 |
.5 |
Urbanisti |
.S58U72 |
Primerno |
1970 |
HB2508 |
.5 |
Urbanisti |
.S58U72 |
Projekcija kme |
1970a |
3. Subheadings in non-jurisdictional corporate names
Ignore all subheadings in establishing the Cutter number. In the following example, the same Cutter number is used for the American Library Association, even though the entries are for different units of the association:
Z687 |
.A518 |
American Library Association. Collection Management and |
1979 |
Development Committee. |
Guidelines for collection development ... 1979. |
Z687 |
.A518 |
American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and |
1988 |
Classification. |
Technical services ... 1988. |
4. Subheadings in jurisdictional corporate names
If the name of a corporate body consists of the name of a country or other jurisdiction (e.g., states, provinces, etc.) followed by a subfield for a division or agency of that government, base the Cutter number on two elements: the main entry and the first subheading. Ignore all further subdivisions of the main entry.
HJ4249 |
.N44 |
New York (State). Division of Equalization and Assessment. |
1979 |
1978 revaluations ... 1979. |
HJ4249 |
.N44 |
New York (State). Division of Equalization and Assessment. |
1979a |
Full value programs during the ... 1979. |
HJ4249 |
.N444 |
New York (State). Legislature. Assembly. Task Force on |
1979 |
School Finance and Real Property Taxation. |
The legislative response to the ... 1979. |
HJ4249 |
.N45 |
New York (State). State Board of Equalization and |
1979 |
Assessment. |
Educational finance and the New ... 1979. |
Note: Do not use the document .A Cutter number that was used before 1975 for a country or a geopolitical area, unless provisions are made for it in the schedules.
5. Revised arrangements for corporate bodies established under earlier procedures
When a Cutter number has been established for a corporate body under earlier procedure without a date, and a new entry is received by the same corporate body, assign the next successive Cutter number to the new entry.
HC190 |
.I53F9 |
Fundinor. |
Condicionadores de ar; uma oportunidade ... 1967. |
HC190 |
.I53F92 |
Fundinor. |
1969 |
Some aspects of northeast Brazil ... 1969. |
HC190 |
.I53F92 |
Fundinor. |
1973 |
Some aspects of northeast Brazil ... 1973. |
HC190 |
.I53F92a |
Fundinor. (a serial) |
Relatorio de atividades ... |
6. Two or more bodies with the same name, but with different qualifiers
Use different Cutter numbers for two or more different bodies with the same name, but with different qualifiers. They are not the same corporate body.
LB2335 |
.7 |
Loyola University (Chicago). |
.L68 |
Faculty tenure ... 1982. |
1982 |
LB2335 |
.7 |
Loyola University (New Orleans). |
.L69 |
Faculty tenure ... 1983. |
1983 |
7. Significant changes in the heading
When there is a significant change in the heading for a corporate body, Cutter for the new heading.
CD2097 |
.R34S72 |
State Archives of Rajasthan. |
1962 |
A descriptive list of farmans ... [1962] |
CD2097 |
.R34S72 |
State Archives of Rajasthan. |
1976 |
Rajasthan State Archives ... [1976?] |
CD2097 |
.R34R34 |
Rajasthan State Archives. |
1980 |
A list of the English ... [1980?] |
Note: The last example shows the AACR 2 form of name and would file before the other two titles shown in this example.
8. Insignificant changes in the heading
When insignificant or minor changes occur in the heading, use the same Cutter number.
AACR 1:Maryland. State Board for Community Colleges
AACR 2:Maryland State Board for Community Colleges
Formulate a unique call number for serials (periodicals and monographic series) cataloged under a corporate body heading, by adding successive work letters, beginning with a, to the Cutter number for the corporate heading in order of receipt of the serial.
TC425 |
.M7U54a |
United States. Missouri River Basin Commission. Standing |
Committee for Development of Priority Listings. |
Annual report : basin priority listing ... |
TC425 |
.M7U54b |
United States. Missouri River Basin Commission. |
Priorities report - Missouri River Basin ... |
10. Collected sets and other major arrangements
Do not change the Cutter numbers of existing collected sets or other major arrangements that appear in the shelflist and are at variance with the corporate body guidelines of this instruction sheet. Instead, arrange the entries in the shelflist in alphabetical order by the main entry and title.
11. Comparisons between monographs and serials
When a corporate body publishes both monographic and serial works, use the same Cutter number for both, following the appropriate guidelines for monographs and serials.
HD7333 |
.A3H68 |
Housing Corporation. |
1976 |
Practice notes for housing associations ... 1976. |
HD7333 |
.A3H68a |
Housing Corporation. |
Report of the Housing Corporation ... |
12. Works about corporate bodies
In a class where there are works about a corporate body, use the same Cutter number for works about the corporate body as is used for works by the corporate body. Double Cutter by main entry.
JK528 |
.L4 |
League of Women Voters of the United States. Education Fund. |
1980 |
Choosing the President ... c1980. |
JK528 |
.L4V66 |
Von Hahman, Gail, 1947- |
1981 |
Women and world issues ... 1981. |
610 20 $a League of Women Voters (U.S.). $b Education Fund.
13. Commentaries
See G 340.
14. Supplements and indexes
See G 155.
15. Official documents
When the entire classification number is for the official documents of a specific country, disregard the name of the country or state appearing at the beginning of the entry. Base the Cutter number on the name of the division and ignore further subheadings.
Information from classification schedule: |
Forestry |
SD |
Documents |
United States |
SD11 |
Federal documents |
SD12 |
States, A-W |
Arrangement of call numbers: |
SD11 |
.F67a |
United States. Forest Service. |
Current information report ... |
SD11 |
.F67b |
United States. Forest Service. |
Forest planning, seeding and silvical ... |
SD12 |
.07D46 |
Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. |
1980 |
Marketing Oregon produced poles and ... 1980. |
SD12 |
.07D46 |
Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. East Central Oregon District. |
1981 |
Statistical data ... 1981. |
SD12 |
.07D46a |
Oregon. Dept. of Forestry. |
Annual report ... |
16. Special schedule provisions
When the schedules have special provisions regarding corporate headings, follow the provisions of the schedule rather than the provisions of this instruction.
Information from classification schedule: |
LD3248.M5 Michigan. State University, East Lansing (Table L7) |
Table L7: |
Official publications |
.A1-4 |
Serial |
.A5-7 |
Nonserial |
.A8-Z |
Other works. By author |
Including student yearbooks, etc. |
Arrangement of call numbers: |
LD3248 |
.M5A24 |
Michigan State University. (serial) |
Financial report ... |
LD3248 |
.M5A3 |
Michigan. State University, East Lansing. (serial) |
Report of the registrar ... |
LD3248 |
.M5A53 |
Michigan. State University, East Lansing. Commission on |
Admissions and Student Body Composition. |
The report to the President ... 1971. |
LD3248 |
.M5A6 |
Michigan. State University, East Lansing. Provost's Ad |
Hoc Committee on the Residence Halls. |
The residence hall study ... 1969. |
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