4XX Series Statement Fields (Variable Data Field)
Definition and scope:
Field 490 contains series statements.
Specific field information:
For information on content designators (indicator and subfield code definitions and examples), National level requirements, field and subfield repeatability, and input conventions for any of the 4XX fields, select from the list below:
Series Statement/Added Entry - Personal Name (R) (USA only)
410 Series Statement/Added Entry - Corporate Name (R) (USA only)
411 Series Statement/Added Entry - Meeting Name (R) (USA only)
These fields became local to the United States in 1999 since they were obsolete in the CAN/MARC format. They are described in Appendix H: Local Data Elements.
Series Statement/Added Entry -
Title (R) [obsolete, 2008]
For reference purposes, a description of this field is in Appendix H: Local Data Elements.
See also: