303 Subordinate Entities (R) (Variable Data Field)
Field definition and scope:
Field 303 contains subordinate entity specifics, e.g., information as to when a subunit (e.g., a board) of the community information entity meets. The field is used when one does not want to create separate records to handle the subordinate entity specifics. Meeting specifics of the community information entity per se are given in field 307 (Hours, Etc.). Meeting location specifics of the community information entity per se are recorded in field 270 (Address).
Field 303 is repeatable.
Guidelines for applying content designators:
For indicator and subfield code definitions and examples, and designator repeatability, see table below:
Position |
Description |
Repeatability |
Field 303 |
Subordinate Entities |
R |
Indicator: |
First |
Undefined; contains a blank |
Second |
Undefined; contains a blank |
Subfield code: |
$a |
NR |
$b |
NR |
$c |
R |
$p |
R |
$6 |
NR |
$8 |
R |
Related MARC field or document:
880 Alternate Graphic Representation
See also: