041 Language Code (R) (Variable Data Field)
Field definition and scope:
Field 041 contains codes for languages associated with the community information entity when field 008/12-14 (Language) is insufficient to convey full information about the language. The source of the codes is the MARC Code List for Languages that is maintained by the Library of Congress or other code lists, such as ISO 639-1 (Codes for the representation of names of languages--Part 1: alpha-2 code).
The field is used in conjunction with 008/12-14 (Language). The code in 008/12-14 is also recorded as the first code in subfield $a of field 041. If a non-MARC code is used to express the predominate language in an item, field 008/12-14 is coded with three fill characters ( ||| ).
Field 041 is used when one or more of the following conditions exist:
There is more
than one language associated with the community information entity.
The language
of the supertitle or subtitle differs from the language associated with
the community information entity.
The language
of the community information entity is a translation.
In records for organizations or agencies (Leader/07, code o) and programs or services (Leader/07, code p), the language associated with the community information entity is the language spoken by the staff; for individuals (Leader/07, code n) and events (Leader/07, code q), the language is that spoken by the individual or by those participating in the event.
Languages may also be recorded in textual form in field 546 (Language Note).
Field 041 is repeatable.
Guidelines for applying content designators:
For indicator and subfield code definitions and examples, and designator repeatability, see table below:
Position |
Description |
Repeatability |
Field 041 |
Language Code |
R |
Indicator: |
First |
0 |
1 |
Second |
7 |
Subfield code: |
$a |
R |
$b |
R |
$h |
R |
$2 |
NR |
$6 |
NR |
$8 |
R |
First Indicator
- Translation indication
Value # - No information provided [new, 2008]
Indicator - Source
of code [new,
2001]: Records created prior to 2001 may contain a code #
meaning undefined.
$2 - Source
of code [new, 2001]
In 2001: The practice of placing
multiple language codes in one subfield, e.g., $aengfreger,
was made obsolete and subfields $a,
$b, and $h
were changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R). Field 041 was also changed from Not repeatable
(NR) to Repeatable (R) to accommodate non-MARC language codes.
Related MARC fields or documents:
880 Alternate Graphic Representation
Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes:
Language Code and Term Source Code
See also: