The following documents the changes contained in the second update to the 2000 edition of MARC 21 Format for Community Information.  Update No. 2 (October 2001) includes changes resulting from proposals which were considered by the ALA ALCTS/LITA/RUSA Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI) at its meetings in 2001 and by the Canadian Committee on MARC (CCM) at its meetings in 2001.

New content designators:


041  Language Code - 2nd indicator (Source of code):  values # (MARC language code) and 7 (Source specified in subfield $2)

Subfield codes

$c  ISO code in 043 (Geographic Area Code)

$2  Source of code in 041 (Language Code)

Changes in repeatability:


041  Language Code:  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

Subfield codes

$a  Language code associated with community information entity in 041 (Language Code):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

$b  Language code of supertitle or subtitle in 041 (Language Code):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

$h  Language code of original in 041 (Language Code):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

See also:

Appendix F:  Format Change Lists
