Fill Character and Related Values
Fill character ( | ):
A fill character (ASCII 7C hex) is represented by the vertical bar ( | ) in the Cataloger's Reference Shelf. The presence of a fill character in a record indicates that the format specifies a code to be used but the creator of the record has decided not to attempt to supply a code.
authority records, it may be used in field 008
and in control subfield $w of
the 4XX
and 5XX
tracing and 700-785
linking entry fields.
bibliographic records, it may be used in fields 006, 007, and 008, and subfield $7 of field 533 (Reproduction Note)
and the linking entry fields (760-787).
classification records, it may be used in field 008
and in control subfield $w of
the 453
and 553
fields (Invalid and Valid Number Tracing).
community information records, it may be used in fields 007
and 008.
holdings records, it may be used in MARC holdings reports in fields 007
and 008.
A fill character may not be used in any character position of the Leader or as a component of a tag, indicator position, or subfield code.
The use of the fill character in records contributed to a national database may also be dependent upon the national level requirements specified for each data element.
Related values:
Code u
(Unknown or unspecified), when it is defined, indicates that the creator
of the record attempted to supply a code but was unable to determine what
the appropriate code should be.
Code n
(Not applicable) is defined in many coded positions to indicate that the
characteristic defined by the position is not applicable to a specific
type of item (Bibliographic) or heading (Authority), type of number (Classification),
the community information entity involved (Community Information),or kind
of record.
See also:
To return: