Names: X00-X30 Fields (Variable Data Field)
Definition and scope:
Sections X00, X10, X11, and X30 contain general information on the data elements defined for use in the 1XX (primary name), 6XX (subject access), and 7XX (added entry) fields. In MARC 21, the definitions of data elements in many fields are carried over to other fields within the same group (e.g., the X10 fields) for consistency and as a mnemonic aid. This is particularly true of the fields for names.
Each General Information section contains defined fields, indicators, and subfield codes; guidelines for their use; and input conventions for the fields within the group.
Examples given in a general information section usually represent a variety of field tags and types of material. For a larger number of field-specific examples, as well as field-specific definition and scope, or guidelines for applying content designators, refer to a specific field.
Field group information:
Indicators, subfield codes, and input conventions for name fields within each field group follow similar patterns. For information on content designators (indicator and subfield code definitions and examples), field and subfield repeatability, and input conventions for a group, select from the list below:
X00 Personal Names - General Information
X10 Corporate Names - General Information
X11 Meeting Names - General Information
X30 Uniform Titles - General Information
See also: