This example can be identified as a record for an organization (including agencies) by code o in Leader/07.  The record contains fields 110 (Primary Name - Corporate) and 270 (Address), two fields used with organizations.

Leader/06  q  [community information]

Leader/07  o  [organization]

001        <control number>

003        <control number identifier>

005        <date and time of latest transaction>

008        930917aaaaaaeng

040  ##  $a<MARC code>$c<MARC code>

041  0#  $aeng$aspa

110  2#  $aHaven House.

270  1#  $aP.O. Box 50007$bPasadena$cCA$e91115$j213-681-2626 (24 hour hotline)

307  ##  $a24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

520  ##  $aA residential shelter for women and their children who have been abused by alcoholic partners.

531  ##  $aWomen (18-64) with their children (0-18) who need shelter from physical and emotional abuse due to alcohol in family member;$bfrom $1.50/day (Residential) to $20.00/month (Group CNSL.);$ctelephone; no walk-ins.

546  ##  $aEnglish, Spanish.

574  ##  $aPublic transportation.  Call RTD: 818-246-2593.

650  #0  $aBattered women.

650  #0  $aWomen's services.

See also:

Appendix B:  Record Examples
