LC Guidelines: 046 Special Coded Dates
Field 046 may be supplied in name/series authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File.
Until further notice, do not use subfield $q or $r. Continue to use $s for date of establishment and $t for date of termination. Before subfields $q, $r, $s, and $t can be used in authority records as defined in the current MARC 21 Authority Format, a programmatic change to the subfield coding of many existing name authority records must be made. Announcements will be made when the NACO nodes have implemented the new subfields and the legacy records have been changed.
Do not use subfields: $6, $8
Do not use subfields (implementation decision not yet made): $x, $z, $3
Contact LC's Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division before using field 046.
Field 046 may be supplied in name authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File.
Until further notice, do not use subfield $q or $r. Continue to use $s for date of establishment and $t for date of termination. Before subfields $q, $r, $s, and $t can be used in authority records as defined in the current MARC 21 Authority Format, a programmatic change to the subfield coding of many existing name authority records must be made. Announcements will be made when the NACO nodes have implemented the new subfields and the legacy records have been changed.
Do not use subfields: $6, $8
Do not use subfields (implementation decision not yet made): $x, $z, $3
Contact LC's Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division before using field 046.
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