Module 6. Title Statement (Field 245)
Introduction, Discussion Points, References, and Definitions of Terms
6.1.1. Definition and sources
6.1.2. Types of titles proper
6.1.3. Transcribing the title proper
b. Symbols
c. Inaccuracies
d. Punctuation
6.1.4. Multiple titles or representations of the title
a. More than one title representing separate works
b. One work, more than one title
c. Title in more than one language
d. Initialism and full form of title
6.1.5. Where does the title proper begin?
6.1.6. Where does the title proper end?
6.1.7. What to omit
a. Designations: numbers and/or dates
b. Names, numbers other than designations, and other data that is omitted
d. Earlier title of the serial
6.1.8. When there is no title
6.2. Common title and section title
6.2.1. Definitions
6.2.2. Types of constructions using subfields $a and $p
a. Each serial has a common title and section title
c. Parent title and title of a supplement or other part
6.2.3. Sources and layout
6.2.4. Multiple sections or designations
6.3.1. Definition and source
6.3.2. Background
6.3.3. Other title information that must be transcribed
b. The statement of responsibility is embedded in the other title information
c. Other title information that is supplied by the cataloger
6.3.4. Other title information that may be transcribed in the title statement, given as a note, or omitted
a. Subtitles
b. Titles other than the title proper
6.3.5. When to give access to other title information (field 246)
6.4.1. Definition and sources
6.4.2. Recording parallel titles
6.4.3. Original title of a translation
6.5. Statement of responsibility
6.5.1. Definition and sources
6.5.2. Background
6.5.3. Corporate bodies
6.5.4. Jurisdiction
6.5.5. Personal names
6.5.6. Titles of other serials
6.5.7. Subsequent statements of responsibility
6.6. Combining elements of the title statement
6.6.1. Common title/section title and other elements of the title statement
b. Statements of responsibility
6.6.2. Parallel titles and other elements of the title statement
a. Other title information (AACR2 1.1E5)
b. Statements of responsibility (AACR2 1.1F6)
c. Common title/section titles (AACR2 12.1D2)
6.7. Changes to elements of the title statement other than the title proper
6.7.1. Other title information (AACR2 12.1E2)
6.7.2. Parallel titles (AACR2 12.1D3)
a. Added
b. Dropped
6.7.3. Statement of responsibility (AACR2 12.1F5)
See also: