005 Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR) (Variable Control Field)
Field definition and scope:
Field 005 contains 16 characters that specify the date and time of the latest record transaction and serve as a version identifier for the record. They are recorded according to Representation of Dates and Times (ISO 8601).
The date and time change each time a transaction is made to the record. The latest transaction information enables an organization handling more than one version of a record to identify the most current version.
The date requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern yyyymmdd (4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day).
The time requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern hhmmss.f (2 for the hour, 2 for the minute, 2 for the second, and 2 for a decimal fraction of the second, including the decimal point). The 24-hour clock (00-23) is used.
The date on which a record is first entered into machine-readable form is contained in field 008/00-05 (Date entered on file). The Date entered on file never changes.
Field 005 is NOT repeatable.
Guidelines for applying content designators:
Field 005 has no indicators or subfield codes.
See: Example
Input conventions:
Field 005 should be system generated at date and time of latest transaction on a record.
Related MARC fields or documents:
008/00-05 Fixed-Length Data Elements: Date entered on file
Representation of Dates and Times (ISO 8601)
See also: